3 Column Typoscript Graphical Menu

The illustraion shows how to generate a 3 Graphical Menu using Typoscript.
The script is written such that the image will be taken from the media field of page property. If an image is not specified then an image will be generated using it’s page title / navigation title.

spaImageMenu = COA

spaImageMenu {
   1 >
   1 = GMENU
   1.NO {
      altImgResource.import = uploads/pics/
      altImgResource.import.field = media
      altImgResource.import.listNum = 0

      XY = 110,57
      backColor = white
      10 = TEXT
      10.text.field = nav_title // title
      10.offset = 20,30
      allWrap = |*|<tr><td>|</td>||<td>|</td>||<td>|</td></tr>|*|


    wrap = <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="mymenu_class">|</table>