Syntax for ext_conf_template

The Syntax inside the file ext_conf_template.txt is exatcly same as the syntax for the TypoScript constant declarations.

There exists a documetnation about the same titled “Declaring constants for the Constant editor” which can be easily located in the typo3 core documentation titled “TypoScript Syntax and In-depth Study – doc_core_ts”.

How to Transfer TYPO3 Site to a New Host ?

1. Using an FTP Client, such as WinSCP, Connect to your current hosting account.
2. Download to your local computer all the directories and files in the following directories:


3. When the download is complete, open the /typo3conf on your local computer and delete all the files that begin with temp_
4. Next, log in to the current hosting account and access your phpMyAdmin.
5. Select your TYPO3 database and then click on the Export tab.
6. Save the file to your local computer.
7. Log in to your new host’s server with your FTP Client and upload all the TYPO3 directories and files.
8. When the files are all uploaded, you will need to change the permissions recursively for /fileadmin, /typo3conf, /typo3temp, /uploads, and index.php to chmod 777.
9. Create new database on new server using phpMyAdmin.
10. Once a new database has been created, import the database you haveve saved on your local computer.
11. Import the database.
12. Open your browswer and type the following in the address bar:

13. When the Install Tool login appears, type in your Install Tool Password and press the Log in Button.(Install tool password will be same as your old site install tool password).
14. Next, click the Basic Configuration link.
15. Scroll down the page to the Directories List to ensure all the TYPO3 directories are writable.
16. In FTP edit your localconf.php
$typo_db_username = ‘user_name’;        // Username of the newly created database.
$typo_db_password = ‘password’;           // Password for newly created database.
$typo_db_host = ‘’;                     // New host.
$typo_db = ‘database_name’;                  // Newly created Database name.
17. Login to your site’s typo3 backend by typing www.yournewsiteURL/typo3
18. Login username and password are same as with the old site.
19. Now you should see all the pages are transferred.
20. Click on “Templavoila” and then “Update mapping”.
21. Type www.yournewsiteURL . Now you should see the content in front end.

How to enable click enlarge image in Typo3 RTE ?

1) Go to the extension manager and click on the extension “htmlArea RTE” and there check “Enable images in the RTE[enableImages]”.  After that click on “Update” on the bottom.

2) Include the static template “Clickenlarge Rendering (rtehtmlarea) “.

include static template

3) Insert the image in RTE and set on “Click-enlarge” option.

Magento – undefined index in “toolbar.phtml” – after changing default sort by

Recently I added a new product-attribute and it was set to be the default sortby attribute. To my surprise, I used to get an undefined index on some categories.
I failed to get a clear solution in any of the article from Magentocommerce site. On further investigation I realised that just setting the default sort by option will not be sufficient.
It is also necessary to check if you have selected this new attribute in the list of “Available Product Listing Sort by” for the category which is causing this issue.
So I logged into Magento BE, and used following path
Catalog >> Manage Categories >> Selected the category that raised the error >> Display Settings [TAB] >> Available Product Listing Sort by
Her I noticed that the new product attribute was not selected!!! Seems Simple, still…!!!

I am not sure if this error can also get triggered when we use default Toolbar.phtml without any modification.

Additional info:

Related to: A custom designed toolbar.phtml which was primarily used to modify list of sortby options.
Scenario: Error gets displayed when I click on a root category or when I try to use magento search.
Quick Solution: Make sure you have selected this new attribute in the list of “Available Product Listing Sort by” for the category that caused this error.

I am sure this might be rare case, but it can happen. Happy shopping!