Clear Cache on Typo3 Neos

Currently there is no option in backend to clear cache.Instead we need to clear cache via command prompt.
There are two types of caches in Typo3 Neos.

1.Production Cache

To clear production cache use below command.

FLOW_CONTEXT=Production ./flow flow:cache:flush --force

2 Development Cache

To clear development cache use below command.

./flow flow:cache:flush --force

We have also command to clear particular cache
Example :

./flow flow:cache:flushone TYPO3_TypoScript_Content

Prevent Search Engines from flooding the Encode Cache – using an XCLASS

The RealURL encode cache could get flooded with the URLs that are used by search engines like Google, Solr etc… If we know the exact parameter they use, we can prevent the flooding using this simple function given below

1.) Add this code to the file “Realurl.php” in the “Sconfig\Xclass” folder. Here “Sconfig” – is the name of our extension. “Xclass – folder may need to be created if not present”



namespace Scwebs\Sconfig\Xclass;

class Realurl extends \tx_realurl {
public function encodeSpURL(&$params) {

protected function encodeSpURL_encodeCache($urlData, $internalExtras, $setEncodedURL = ”) {
// \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::devLog(‘Inside the hook now!’, ‘realurl’, 1, array($urlData));
if( isset($_GET[‘gclid’]) ){
$this->devLog(‘gclid detected. Not doing anything!’);
return ”;
parent::encodeSpURL_encodeCache($urlData, $internalExtras, $setEncodedURL);


2. Our Xclass needs to be registered, this can be done in the “Sconfig/ext_localconf.php” using the code below:

$GLOBALS[‘TYPO3_CONF_VARS’][‘SYS’][‘Objects’][‘tx_realurl’] = array(
‘className’ => Scwebs\\Sconfig\\Xclass\\Realurl’

Xclass to force the use of Additional Params in all content links

Suppose you want to add one extra parameter to typolink all over the website
Here is the steps to follow :
Include below lines in ext_localconf.php of our extension
$GLOBALS[‘TYPO3_CONF_VARS’][‘SYS’][‘Objects’][‘TYPO3\\CMS\\Frontend\\ContentObject\\ContentObjectRenderer’] = array(
‘className’ => ‘VenderName\\ExtName\\Xclass\\ContentObjectRenderer’
// Also Xclass the old class name for compatibility issues (old extensions may create an instance of “tslib_cObj”)
$GLOBALS[‘TYPO3_CONF_VARS’][‘SYS’][‘Objects’][‘tslib_cObj’] = array(
‘className’ => ‘VenderName\\ExtName\\Xclass\\ContentObjectRenderer’

Create File with name ContentObjectRenderer.php in Xclass Folder
namespace Vendername\Extensionname\Xclass;

class ContentObjectRenderer extends \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer {

* Adds customerview = 1 in url params
function typoLink($linktxt, $conf) {
if($_GET[‘customerview’] == 1){
$conf[‘additionalParams’] = $conf[‘additionalParams’].’&customerview=1′;
$typolink = parent::typoLink($linktxt, $conf);
return $typolink;

Clear the cache and check whether xclass is included or not.
Finally reload the frontend page where all typolinks are added with custom parameter customerview

Extend Typo3 Function using Xclass in Extbase Extension

Here is the few steps on how to extend a function Using XCLASS

Add Below code in ext_localconf.php

$GLOBALS[‘TYPO3_CONF_VARS’][‘SYS’][‘Objects’][‘tx_realurl’] = array(
‘className’ => ‘Vendername\\Extensionname\\Xclass\\Realurl’

Finally Create File with name Realurl.php in Xclass Folder
namespace Vendername\Extensionname\Xclass;

class Realurl extends \tx_realurl {
public function encodeSpURL(&$params) {
// Do Your Stuff
devlog(‘ I am here.’);

Clear the cache and check whether xclass is included or not.

Thats it.



Epay payment gateway integration in TYPO3 extbase extension.

The process is, after booking we will create the new booking record containing booked product info like product name, its total price etc.

The booking record creation action will be like this,

public function createAction(\TYPO3\myext\Domain\Model\Packagebooking $newPackagebooking) {

//create package

//get created package id
$persistenceManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(‘TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Persistence\\Generic\\PersistenceManager’);
$pUidNew = $newPackagebooking->getUid();

/* Redirect to payment */
$this->redirect(‘payment’, ‘Packagebooking’ ,NULL ,array(‘packagebooking’=>$pUidNew));

After record creation we will redirect to payment Action.

public function paymentAction($packagebooking) {
* MD5 key: mymd5key
* merchant id: 123456

//get the booked record. $packagebooking contains the uid of the last created booking record
$packagebooking = $this->packagebookingRepository->findByUid($packagebooking);

//generate return url
$accepturl = $this->controllerContext
‘tx_myext_checkout’ => array(
‘orderid’ => $packagebooking->getUid(),
‘action’ => ‘paymentconfirm’,
‘controller’ => ‘Packagebooking’,
$accepturl = GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv(‘TYPO3_SITE_URL’).$accepturl;

//Generate javascript required for payment gateway api
$paymentwindowJs = ”;
$paymentParams = array(
‘merchantnumber’ => “123456”,
‘amount’ => $packagebooking->getTotalprice() * 100,
‘currency’ => “DKK”,
‘windowstate’=> “2”,
‘orderid’ => $packagebooking->getUid(),
‘accepturl’ => $accepturl
$paymentwindowJs .='<script type=”text/javascript”>’;
$paymentwindowJs .=’paymentwindow = new PaymentWindow({‘;
foreach ($paymentParams as $key => $value) {
$paymentwindowJs .= “‘” . $key . “‘: \”” . $value . “\”,\n”;
$paymentwindowJs .= “‘hash’:”.'”‘.md5(implode(“”, array_values($paymentParams)) . “mymd5key”).'”‘;
$paymentwindowJs .= ‘});’;
$paymentwindowJs .=’paymentwindow.append(“payment-div”);;</script>’;

‘paymentwindowJs’ => $paymentwindowJs

Payment action template will be like this

<f:layout name=”Default” />
<f:section name=”main”>
<div class=”thankyoumessage”>
<div id=”payment-div”></div>

<script charset=”UTF-8″ src=”” type=”text/javascript”></script>


Aftere this we will proceed in payment by Epay api. After the payment has been done, we will redirec to confirmation page having confirmation plugin.

Below is the confirmation action, here we will calculate the MD5 hash from the return url and compare it with the received hash. And update the payment record accordingly.

public function paymentconfirmAction() {
$posted = GeneralUtility::_GET(‘tx_myext_checkout’);
$posted[‘txnid’] = GeneralUtility::_GET(‘txnid’);
$posted[‘ordernumber’] = GeneralUtility::_GET(‘orderid’);
$posted[‘paymenttype’] = GeneralUtility::_GET(‘paymenttype’);
$posted[‘hash’] = GeneralUtility::_GET(‘hash’);

//Check for bad hash
$params = $_GET;
$var = “”;
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
if(is_array($value)) {
foreach ($_GET[‘tx_myext_checkout’] as $key => $value) {
$var .= $value;
} elseif($key != “hash”) {
$var .= $value;

$genstamp = md5($var . “mymd5key”);

if($genstamp != $_GET[“hash”]) {
$status = ‘Hash is not valid’;
} else {
//Hash is OK
$status = ‘Transaction success’;

$this->packagebookingRepository->updateOrderEpay($posted, $status);
$this->view->assign(‘status’, $status);

Hope this helps someone!