For example, If our plugin is intended to generate some xml sitemaps and we want to call that plugin like this, We can follow the following steps.
1. In extension setup add the following typoscript
plugin.tx_myext {}
#After thismyext = PAGE
myext {
typeNum = 1234
10 {
userFunc = tx_extbase_core_bootstrap->run
pluginName = MypluginName
extensionName = myExtName
controller = MyControllerName
action = actionName
config {
doctype = xhtml_basic
xhtml_cleaning = all
disableAllHeaderCode = 1
additionalHeaders = Content-type:text/xml
xhtml_cleaning = 0
admPanel = 0
debug = 0
Now, install the extension and if we call, we can see direct xml structure, if everything is correctly written in the extension.