When using the circular mode in jCarousel(wrap : ‘circular’), we used to see a blank item initially, whhich used to get cleared in the next iteration.
i.e. It seemed like jCarousel generally expects at least one extra item, than the width of scroll area.
In our case the width of scroll area was occupied by 3 items then jQuery needs 3+1 news initially.
If width of scroll area is occupied by 4 news, then there must be 5 news minimum.
Now in such situation we must pre-fill some extra items, that has solved the issue.
/* When there is less than or equal to 3 items,
* the jcarousel shows blank items in the circular mode!
* So we will add some extra items in such case
* */
if( jQuery(‘#jcarousel .slider-ul’).length <= 3 ){
tempHtml = jQuery(‘#jcarousel .slider-ul’).html();
while(jQuery(‘#jcarousel .slider-ul’).length >= 4){
jQuery(‘#jcarousel .slider-ul’).html(tempHtml + tempHtml);
}jQuery(‘#jcarousel .slider-ul’).jcarousel({
scroll : 1,
auto : 5,
wrap : ‘circular’
Hope this helps someone.