Prevent Search Engines from flooding the Encode Cache – using an XCLASS

The RealURL encode cache could get flooded with the URLs that are used by search engines like Google, Solr etc… If we know the exact parameter they use, we can prevent the flooding using this simple function given below

1.) Add this code to the file “Realurl.php” in the “Sconfig\Xclass” folder. Here “Sconfig” – is the name of our extension. “Xclass – folder may need to be created if not present”



namespace Scwebs\Sconfig\Xclass;

class Realurl extends \tx_realurl {
public function encodeSpURL(&$params) {

protected function encodeSpURL_encodeCache($urlData, $internalExtras, $setEncodedURL = ”) {
// \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::devLog(‘Inside the hook now!’, ‘realurl’, 1, array($urlData));
if( isset($_GET[‘gclid’]) ){
$this->devLog(‘gclid detected. Not doing anything!’);
return ”;
parent::encodeSpURL_encodeCache($urlData, $internalExtras, $setEncodedURL);


2. Our Xclass needs to be registered, this can be done in the “Sconfig/ext_localconf.php” using the code below:

$GLOBALS[‘TYPO3_CONF_VARS’][‘SYS’][‘Objects’][‘tx_realurl’] = array(
‘className’ => Scwebs\\Sconfig\\Xclass\\Realurl’