Here I have given some tips on how to use jm_quote.
You may find this extension at:
1. Install the extension
2. Create a sysFolder (ex: Random Quotes)
Let us consider the uid of this sysFolder is 60
3. Create a few records with your quotes.
4. Now you need to inform the jm_quote plugin the uid of the above sysFolder.
This needs to be done in the Typoscript setup as shown below:
plugin.tx_jmquote_pi1 {
#Sysfolder Page-ID, where the quotes are located.
pid_list = 60
5. Now it is time to get the random quotes on your page.
This can be easily done by assigning the plugin output to the required TypoScript object:
lib.my_header < plugin.tx_jmquote_pi1
That’s all. Now you should see the quotes on the pages. (Make sure to clear FE Cache)