Open Graph Tags example for use with Facebook

page.headerData.120 = COA
page.headerData.120 {
10 = TEXT
10 { = TSFE:id
typolink.forceAbsoluteUrl = 1
typolink.returnLast = url
typolink.additionalParams.cObject = COA
typolink.additionalParams.cObject {
10 = TEXT
10.dataWrap = &tx_ttnews[tt_news]={GP:tx_ttnews|tt_news} = GP:tx_ttnews|tt_news
20 = TEXT
20.dataWrap = &tx_ttnews[cat]={GP:tx_ttnews|cat} = GP:tx_ttnews|cat
wrap = <meta property=”og:url” content=”|”/>
20 < page.headerData.1
20 {
wrap = <meta property=”og:title” content=”| {$siteTitle}”/>

30 = TEXT
30.value =
30.wrap = <meta property=”og:site_name” content=”|{$siteTitle}”/>

40 = TEXT
40.value = <meta property=”og:description” content=”” />
40.wrap = <meta property=”og:type” content=”website” />|


In additions to the above, we can also set the og:image property on a news detail page like given below:
This new updated Code also includes a default image when news has no image.

page.headerData.120.50 = COA
page.headerData.120.50 {
20 {
table = tt_news
select {
pidInList = 18
andWhere = uid={GP:tx_ttnews|tt_news}
andWhere.insertData =1
selectFields = uid,pid,image
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
10 = TEXT
10.value =<meta property=”og:image” content=”
20 = TEXT
20 {
field = image
split {
token = ,
max = 1
cObjNum = 1
1.current = 1
ifEmpty.cObject = TEXT
ifEmpty.cObject {
value = alt-image.jpg

30 = TEXT
30.value = ” />

Running a SQL Query using TypoScript

Well, after using this feature for quite long time, I though I should post this info:Consider the following Query:

SELECT DISTINCT FROM_UNIXTIME(`datetime`, ‘%Y’) AS `year` FROM tt_news where pid=113 order by datetime limit 1

My main goal was to get the latest year from the tt_news records, that is then going to be pushed to Tesseract filter.


20 {
table = tt_news
select {
selectFields = FROM_UNIXTIME(`datetime`, ‘%Y’) AS year
orderBy = datetime desc
pidInList = 113
max = 1
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj.field = year
