This is a small reference to give an idea on how to find a TYPO3 setting that can be changed, and how to change it.
- go to BE
- Click the Configuration module in left menu bar
- Now use the drop down at the top, and select TYPO3_CONF_VARS.
- Search for what you need
- Click on the needed title
- Now you get a array like this:
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS[‘EXTCONF’][‘cachecleaner’][‘tables’][‘cache_pages’][‘expireField’] = ‘expires’; - Change this in your extension (in a PHP file) and include this file in ext_localconf.php
OR Directly write inside ext_localconf.php (well this may not be very clean)
NOTE: The CONFIGURATION Module is like a TREE browser which lists all kind of available configurations available in TYPO3.
So we have endless chance to change and customize almost anything here!
NOTE2: The TYPO3 Configuration Module is also a place where you can see the current configuration that is in use.
This can be used for wide range of debugging, such as:
- To analyze if a HOOK/XCLASS has been declared or not
- To see if the configuration we specified has been really recognized by TYPO3