Set background image from an image field.

The following XML contains the TemplaVoila data structure for a page/fce (flexible content element).

The example shows how to set the background image for a content element, that is specified in an image field that is declared in same data structure.

<field_content type="array">
        <tx_templavoila type="array">
        <title>FCE Content</title>
        <sample_data type="array">
            <numIndex index="0">FCE Content</numIndex>

10 = COA

10.10 = TEXT
10.10.field = field_image
10.10.wrap = <div class="spa_example" style="background:url(/uploads/tx_templavoila/|) right bottom no-repeat;">

10.20= RECORDS
10.20.tables = tt_content

10.30 = TEXT
10.30.value = </div>

        !!! here comes remaining standard templavoila tags for content element field!!!!

        !!! here comes standard templavoila tags for image field!!!!

        <label>Icon Image</label>

        !!! here comes remaining standard templavoila tags for image field!!!!
