Setting FCE Header from it’s Content Element Header

This article explains about how to set an FCE header from it’s content element header.

Whenever we create content element from Typo3, we have noticed that each content element can have a header, and we can set various styles for this header, such as from layout 1 to layout 6, and it can even be hidden from front-end. When we set this header for an FCE, we notice that the header will not be present within the FCE content, but it will be outside it!!! We can even create a header within FCE and map it, but an editor may have to either enter the header twice, or he may be confused which one to use.

This code below helps you overcome this and we can make use of the header specified for FCE content element, as the header within our FCE.

Now let us call our FCE field as field_header, and let us define this as a Typoscript Object.

    <tx_templavoila type="array">
        <title>FCE Header</title>
        <sample_data type="array">
            <numIndex index="0">[ FCE Header / Title ]</numIndex>
        <description>Map to FCE Header container</description>

The above field must be mapped like we do in any FCE Template Object. Now Enter the Typoscript part of this as follows:

lib.mypaneltitle= TEXT
     data = register:tx_templavoila_pi1.parentRec.header