Running a SQL Query using TypoScript

Well, after using this feature for quite long time, I though I should post this info:Consider the following Query:

SELECT DISTINCT FROM_UNIXTIME(`datetime`, ‘%Y’) AS `year` FROM tt_news where pid=113 order by datetime limit 1

My main goal was to get the latest year from the tt_news records, that is then going to be pushed to Tesseract filter.


20 {
table = tt_news
select {
selectFields = FROM_UNIXTIME(`datetime`, ‘%Y’) AS year
orderBy = datetime desc
pidInList = 113
max = 1
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj.field = year


How to set ATagParams for menu items (except for some pages)

This code may be useful when you may wish to have some extra parameter to all anchor tags in menu items, the code even shows how you can avoid these parameters for some selected pages.

This code may be useful when you may wish to have some extra parameter to all anchor tags in menu items, the code even shows how you can avoid these parameters for some selected pages.

The code below creates this link:

<a rel=”moodalbox” href=”pagelink” >page title</a>

For pages with uid 10, 23 the link will be generated as follows:

<a href=”pagelink” >page title</a>

To get this kind of menu write the following typoscript in the Setup section:

lib.atl_lefttop = COA
lib.atl_lefttop.10 = HMENU
# Level 1
lib.atl_lefttop.10 {
stdWrap.ifEmpty.wrap = &nbsp;
1 {
wrap = <ul>|</ul>
expAll = 1
NO.wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li>

NO.ATagParams.cObject = TEXT
NO.ATagParams.cObject {
value = rel=moodalbox
moodalbox should not be applied for the uid specified here
if {
value = 10,23
isInList.field = uid
negate = 1

ACT.wrapItemAndSub = <li class=”act”>|</li>

CUR.wrapItemAndSub = <li class=”cur”>|</li>


# level 2 3 and 4 use same settings as sown above
2< .1
3< .2
4< .3