Open the Images present in tt_products List and Single view in Lightbox using Perfectlightbox

Hi Friends,

The following code is used to open the images in Lightbox that are present in the tt_product, List and Single views. Please add these lines in typoscript.

plugin.tt_products {
image {
imageLinkWrap {
typolink {
parameter.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE = TSFE:lastImageInfo|origFile
parameter.cObject.file.maxW = {$plugin.perfectlightbox.lightBoxMaxW}
parameter.cObject.file.maxH = {$plugin.perfectlightbox.lightBoxMaxH}

ATagParams = rel=”lightbox”
ATagParams.override = rel=”lightbox[sb{field:uid}]” #hier UID übergeben
ATagParams.override.if.isTrue = {$plugin.perfectlightbox.imgtext.navigable}
ATagParams.insertData = 1
listImage < .image
listImage.file.maxW = {$plugin.tt_products.maxW_list}
listImage.file.maxH = {$plugin.tt_products.maxH_list}
listImage.imageLinkWrap = {$plugin.tt_products.clickEnlarge_list}

If the image needs to be rotated in the Lightbox please add the following line

parameter.cObject.file.params = -rotate 90

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